1-9 Official gazettes
80-85 Presidents' messages and other executive documents
311-323 Nationalism. Minorities. Geopolitics
325-341 Nature, entity, concept of the state
345-347 Symbolism, emblems of the state: Arms, flag, seal, etc.
348-497 Forms of the state, including democracy
501-628 Purpose, functions, and relations of the state
571-628 The state and the individual. Individual rights. Liberty
201-723 Organs and function of government
800-1191 Political rights and guaranties
1321-2112 Government. Administration
1411-1674 Civil Service
2011-2112 Political parties
63-1195 Collections. Documents. Cases
101-115 Diplomatic relations (Universal collections)
120-191 Treaties (Universal collections)
1305-1598 International relations. Foreign relations
1625-1896 Diplomacy. The diplomatic service
1901-1995 International arbitration and organizations
2001-5810 International law
1300-1766 Caricature. Pictorial humor and satire