75-77 Nature conservation.
201-278 Microscopy
301-705 General biology
426-470 Genetics
471-489 Reproduction
501-531 Life
540-549 Ecology
(For human ecology, see GF Anthropology)
641-673 Plant anatomy
710-899 Plant physiology
901-938 Plant ecology
750-795 Animal behavior and psychology
801-950 Anatomy
951-991 Embryology
601-691 Human embryology
351-495 Neurophysiology. Neuropsychology
501-801 Animal biochemistry
901-981 Experimental pharmacology
75-99 Bacteria
180-189 Immunology
355-484 Virology
86-88 First aid in illness and injury
321-576 Neurology and psychiatry
1200-1245 Sports medicine
114-118 Seeds
119-125 Propagation
183-317 Field crops
599-999 Diseases and pests